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Monday, September 7, 2009

About Me

I'm a 36yo SAHsM (stay at home Step-Mom). I've been at home for 5 years now. It's a definate labor of love!

Our budget has changed dramatically in the last year combined with the fact that my favorite discount grocers closed. I noticed a DRASTIC increase in our food bill. In fact it was so drastic it hurt. Knowing I had to do something to change that situation I started clipping coupons.

I made alot of newbie mistakes. However; being a quick learner I was able to recover quickly and find some awesome resources! While there are people that laugh at my tub of coupons and the 30min-1hr a day I spend on this endeavor; this is no denying the bottom line savings. DH (dear hubby) created a spreadsheet for me and my savings is well over 60%!

Both DH and I feel better with an emergency fund safely tucked away.
After that emergency fund comes some fun! Traveling with and without the kids has always been a priority in our life. We don't take luxurious vacations (can anyone with kids afford that?), but we do like our time away. We enjoy exploring, discovering and making memories as a couple and as a family.

We honestly always have saved our pennies to play with. Literally! Both DH and I have a jar that we toss our change into daily or weekly. That jar typically bears about $400 a year (more when DH doesn’t raid it for his soda $). That is a decent amount for an inexpensive camping trip or weekend fun!

My friends are always telling me how great I am about finding the deals. So here I am sharing and blogging away. My hope is that perhaps some day I’ll be able to help someone else struggle less and enjoy life more! I'm also hoping to help people in my area of the Inland Empire High Desert, California!